Experts from three States are gathered at Winton Wetlands this week for a forum on issues associated with the return of native fish to areas where fish populations have been lost or threatened.
The forum convened by North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) brings together representatives across three states from Catchment Management Authorities, natural resource managers (NRMs) research bodies, community groups and traditional owners, with a focus on what has been called “The Magnificent Six”.
These six are key fish species known to have significance for their role in increasing biodiversity and the health of waterways.
The Winton Wetlands team is proud to have been asked by NCCMA to be the venue for this important gathering, where progress reports are being shared and notes compared by experts in the field.
The forum is part of an initiative known as the Murray Tri-State Murray Regional NRM Alliance, funded by the Commonwealth Government’s Murray Darling Basin Authority.
In the past year, Winton Wetlands has re-introduced two species of native fish to the wetlands, and early indications are that these new populations – of purple spotted gudgeon, and pygmy perch – are doing well. Other restoration projects elsewhere are moving to take similar action.
Photo : Forum delegates comparing notes during a break in proceedings
Posted : 12 June 2024