As part of Winton Wetlands Wild Week, we’ll be…
Rambling in the Reeds!
Come join us for a guided walk that will include latest news about Growling Grass Frogs, the return of native fish to the wetlands, our ever-changing water levels and what they mean, interesting facts about water flow and water quality – and lots of other stuff that’s interesting AND educational.
Along the way you may get the chance to do some wildlife spotting too!
Your guides will be senior ecological scientists who know their way around the wetlands and understand its magic and mysteries. And they can even talk in plain English!
You’ll need to bring your gumboots if you want to join us all the way with this “ramble in the reeds”. If you have waders to put on, even better – but not essential. An alternative is to wear sturdy boots that you don’t mind getting wet and/or muddy. (If not, you can hold back on dry land while the more adventurous wade ahead into the shallows.)
If you’re coming, you’ll need to be ready with your sun protection (hat and sunscreen).
And feel free to bring a camera or binoculars!
Can I handle it? Can I afford it?
The walk is suitable for all ages – and it’s FREE!
Please get in touch with us if you are interested but have any disability concerns –
No need to book in advance, but we’d appreciate if you let us know you’re thinking of joining us on the day. That will help our planning of the walk.
Where and when
We’ll meet under the open-air pergola at the rear of the Winton Wetlands education centre, 668 Lake Mokoan Road.
We’ll ask you to sign in before we head off, for health and safety reasons.
Two times: 11am and 1pm. About 45 minutes in total.
Saturday 25 November 2023
If you’re up for a ramble in the reeds, be there!