Expertise: Vegetation and ecology of Australian wetlands and riparian zones, specialist in freshwater algal family Characeae; threatened species assessment.
Formal Qualifications: BSc (Hons) PhD
Employment: Self Employed – Charophyte Services
Date joined ESAP – 2014
General Background:
BSc in Marine Biology, honours in Plant Physiology, PhD in charophyte ecology in Australian wetlands. Research experience in vegetation establishment and wetland restoration, biomanipulation of freshwater ecosystems, seasonal and temporary wetland ecology, seasonal riparian systems, the riparian vegetation of the Murray Darling system, charophyte systematics and taxonomy, description of c. 40 new species in family characeae, charophyte survey in Northern Territory, Western Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, New Zealand; assessment and nomination of threatened species for EPBC and FFG (member of aquatic plant specialist committee for IUCN). Publisher and editor of Charophytes; editorial board member of international journals; Museum curation in the Natural History Museum London, the Cryptogamic Herbarium in Paris; CMA Board membership and Chair of the Deer Advisory Committee, Convenor of the Scientific Advisory Committee.