Winton Wetlands Committee of Management recognises that the site lies within the traditional lands of the Yorta Yorta people, the original owners of Country. We respect their deep enduring connection to their lands and waterways and recognise that sovereignty was never ceded.
We honour and respect their ancestors, their Elders past, present and emerging and acknowledge the significant role Yorta Yorta people play in support of the Winton Wetlands restoration project and of our programs.
The people of the Yorta Yorta Nation are recognised as the traditional custodians of the land. The Yorta Yorta people are made up of 16 family groups and eight clans: Bangerang, Kailtheban, Kwat Kwat, Moira, Ngurai-illiam-wurrung, Ulupna, Wollithiga, and Yalaba Yalaba. It is understood that Mokoan, as the area is known to Yorta Yorta people, was an important gathering place and transit point for many indigenous people.
Winton Wetlands employs a Koorie Cultural Officer, Ms Nikki James, to assist in ongoing efforts to encourage Return to Country, and incorporation of Koorie perspectives into educational activities and other endeavours.

Nikki James is a proud Yorta Yorta woman.
She can help with:
- Information on the indigenous culture, art and history of the Winton Wetlands reserve
- Educational and other needs, including school group visits
- Existing and potential activities on-site involving indigenous community members
- Liaison with the Yorta Yorta Nation
- Traditional smoking ceremonies
- Information on our ‘bush kindy’ program for pre-schoolers
- Other activities to support stronger relationships between indigenous and other communities
She’ll be delighted to answer questions and hear your comments and ideas!
Phone: (03) 5747 7119
Sculpture Walk
Lotjpatj Natjan Danak – Yarning and Gathering Pathway

Lotjpatj Natjan Danak is a creation of cultural works that represent Ancestors; totems and special places; spirituality; ceremonies and cultural practices; histories and knowledge systems; ecology and seasons; plants; insects; birds and animals; rivers; creeks; sky stories and ancient creations.
These works have been created by 15 Yorta Yorta artists to share stories of their living culture.