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Citizen Science

Have you seen a Bearded Dragon at Winton Wetlands? Do you have a keen eye for Cane Grass? By recording your plant and animal finds into online databases, you too can be a citizen scientist!

So, what is citizen science? Citizen science is public participation in scientific research and can be an enriching way to learn more about your local environment and share your knowledge.

In 2019, Winton Wetlands Restoration Scientist, Lance Lloyd, initiated the citizen science project, I Saw That, which aims to collect species data specific to the site. The data is useful in ongoing conservation and restoration works.

There’s a citizen science project for everyone! Take a look at some of our favourites and start logging your finds!


Using Birdlife’s Birdata mobile application you can easily log information you’ve collected, including images. Birdlife also have specific projects that you can contribute to such as the Birdlife National Twitch-a-thon and the Aussie Backyard Bird Count which runs each year.


WomSAT uses data collected by members of the public to aid in the conservation of wombats Australia-wide by determining imminent threats to the species, including areas where vehicle collisions and mange are common.


By using the FrogID mobile application, you can easily record and log frog calls and help contribute to Australia’s frog data. This information can be crucial to saving our frogs as it allows researchers to determine how frog species are responding to the changing climate.

National Water Bug Blitz

Help researchers determine the health of our local waterways by exploring and identifying waterbugs using the National Waterbug Blitz mobile application. With a range of resources available on the National Water Bug Blitz website, getting involved has never been so simple!

Echidna CSI

Echidna CSI uses information collected by the public to learn more about the species and work towards their conservation. You can get involved by downloading the Echidna CSI app and logging sightings and images you’ve taken. Echidna CSI also encourage people to collect Echidna scats. That’s right, poo! A lot of information can be discovered in the molecules of Echidna scats making it easier for scientists to learn about wild populations rather than tracking the animals themselves.


Australian turtle numbers are declining and TurtleSAT needs community assistance to conserve them. You can help by recording when you see a turtle, a turtle nest, where turtles are being killed on roads or evidence of turtles such as skeletal remains. Observations can be recorded on the TurtleSAT website.

A brighter future for our turtles

Exciting News from Winton Wetlands! Associate Professor James Van Dyke (La Trobe University) has reported some incredible results from the 1 Million Turtles Community Conservation

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We love our turtles!

At Winton Wetlands we love our turtles, we don’t like the foxes though as they eat up to 95% of the Turtle eggs laid. One

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Kangaroo population latest

Annual Kangaroo surveys conducted by our field staff in September 2024 have revealed a substantial reduction in the density of kangaroos at Winton Wetlands.  Compared

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Talkers get behind growlers

More than 30 of Australia’s leading figures in the protection and restoration of the precious native Growling Grass Frog from SA, Victoria, ACT, New South

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