Aboriginal art sculpture trail walk
Blurb, Year Level: Cost etc Program Overview: Learning Outcomes: Victorian Curriculum Links: Timetable and availability: Teaching Guide:
Blurb, Year Level: Cost etc Program Overview: Learning Outcomes: Victorian Curriculum Links: Timetable and availability: Teaching Guide:
The importance plants and trees in wetlands. Hands on activities which demonstrates plant’s ability to filter water and help mitigate climate change impacts.
Native foods and cooking (for small groups only when weather permits). (Pic is for placement only, not for ongoing use)
Plant, animal and fungi identification sessions including terrarium making. Terrarium making must be part of a whole day excursion with additional cost (see below)
Scientific principles and importance of wetlands in the water cycle, including interactive water cycle experiments.
652 Lake Mokoan Road
Winton North, Victoria, 3673
T: +613 5766 4462
652 Lake Mokoan Road
Winton North, Victoria 3673
T: +613 5766 4462
668 Lake Mokoan Road
Winton North, Victoria 3673
T: +613 5766 4462
Winton Wetlands Committee of Management recognises that the site lies within the traditional lands of the Yorta Yorta people, the original owners of Country. We respect their deep enduring connection to their lands and waterways and recognise that sovereignty was never ceded.
We honour and respect their ancestors, their Elders past, present and emerging and acknowledge the significant role Yorta Yorta people play in support of the Winton Wetlands restoration project and of our programs.